Comments on: My Mindmelting Salvia Trip Personal Growth with Psychedelics Sat, 25 Jul 2020 17:06:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Maps Mon, 07 Aug 2017 10:48:30 +0000 In reply to Bill.

A salvia trip is just that Bill, a trip! Yes it is a shame that it is no longer available here due to repressive drug laws, as it is surely a way of inducing a powerful and weird experience to anyone who is after one. Still, I have hope that we will see drug policy reform in the not too distant future, and that the experience will be available to those interested in it. Another option until then would be to visit Oaxaca in Mexico where it grows native and the locals chew on the raw leaves. Though rather time consuming and expensive, it would surely be an adventure 😉

By: Bill Mon, 17 Jul 2017 04:26:20 +0000 I’ve never had a salvia trip. I’ve smoked it half a dozen times, tried the unconcentrated leaves and the 10x stuff, and the closest I’ve been to high on it was a sort of half-cup-of-coffee buzz that was probably from hyperventilating. Maybe I need to try it again with a bigger bong or something, because it’s much more practical to be tripping for five minutes than to need to plan your whole day around not being able to drive like an acid trip. Unfortunately, all the sources for salvia plants I could find on the net disappeared when the country got into a moral panic about the stuff, so I’ve been unable to try chewing on the raw leaves.
