The Lilly Psychonautic Centre – A Vision from the Future
The Lilly Centre is the world’s premiere facility for psychonauts to conduct training and missions to the furthest reaches of the innerverse.
John Robertson is a psychedelic facilitator and educator. His work focuses on access, empowerment, and community – and his mission is to spread the wondrous gifts of psychedelics by helping people to safely and effectively work with them. You can find John at
The Lilly Centre is the world’s premiere facility for psychonauts to conduct training and missions to the furthest reaches of the innerverse.
A psychedelic menu is a list of activities that are available to you during your session. At a glance, it gives you options for things you might like to do.
A themed psychedelic session is an exploration of a specific theme that is chosen in advance. It is directed, guided towards, and held on that theme, rather than being completely open ended. The session is a deep dive into the chosen subject. It uses the non-ordinary states of mind that psychedelics bring to offer new perspectives on a topic.
You can’t really put a number such as ‘x times per year or month’ and say ‘that’s the right amount’, because it totally depends on the person and their circumstances. It’s like asking ‘what’s the right dose?’. It can’t simply be answered in any meaningful way. It depends. It depends on you, your intentions, and your current circumstances. Why are you taking psychedelics? Where are you at in your journey, and where do you want to go next?
With their power to break boundaries and burn down limiting beliefs, psychedelics allow us to believe in the impossible. They show us that the anything is possible. They allow us to dream. And for that reason psychedelics are the greatest tool that we have for freedom. And I believe in the freedom of psychedelics.
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• Cover bases of preparation at a glance
• Walk through with friend or group beforehand
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Feel ready and prepared before your journey. Cover bases of preparation at a glance. Walk through with friend or group beforehand